How Utilizing A Hoyer Lift Is Actually Better For Patient Care By Stephen Sexton

In relation to home healthcare, there are several things that can be helpful and a Hoyer lift is certain one of them. There are many reasons to use a lift, but perhaps two of the more important reasons are for comfort and safety.

The caregiver has the responsibility of maneuvering or transferring a patient while inflicting as little pain as possible and doing it in the safest manner possible. In such instances, a Hoyer lift can be helpful when it comes to transferring patients securely and safely. A Hoyer lift doesn't just protect the patient, it allows the caregiver to avoid serious strain or trauma. It doesn?t really matter how strong a health worker thinks they are, it may be a good idea to use the lift to guard against possible future injuries to themselves like back strain or pulled muscles. Properly lifting a patient, a lift will basically take the place of the health professional, avoiding straining back muscles. All through the transfer, the patient is also able to feel far more secure and safe because of the added stability. The lift may also help the patient relax, as they will not have to be in such close physical contact with the caregiver during this time, which can alleviate some uncomfortable feelings.

The process of utilizing a Hoyer lift is rather simple, especially compared to not using one whatsoever. When the caregiver is ready to begin, it may a good idea for them to clarify exactly what they are going to do. Sometimes it can be very nerve racking for a patient to know that they are going to be raised. The degree of stress may be reduced if the health worker takes a few minutes to reassure the patient and inform them of what can be expected in the process.

Raising the bed to the maximum level may be a good place to begin. As you prepare yourself for the transfer, the pad could be slipped under the patient a lot easier. If there are side rails on the bed it may be a good idea to make sure they are both up so the patient has something to grip as they sit up. Rolling the patient to one side while they grab the railing can allow the caregiver to put the padding underneath the patient comfortably. Then having the patient roll the other way to get the other half of the pad underneath the patient is the next thing to do. The next step would be to position the leg straps and set them under each thigh area. After the patient and pad is in position, lowering the bed to a more suitable level is necessary where the patient does not feel too high once picked up with the Hoyer.

Once the loops from the pad are properly secure on the lift the caregiver can carefully begin to lift the individual off of the bed. The lift will move the patient into a sitting position. Having the base spread apart for proper balance of the patient is one thing to watch for. Once the patient is directly over the item where the transfer needs to end, and then the care provider can lower the lift. If it is a wheel chair, ensuring the brakes are locked before setting the patient down is advisable. Once lowered, the loops can be unhooked and the pad extracted. For both the patient and the caregiver, this kind of transfer using a Hoyer lift can be made safe and comfortable.

Comment choisir les soins à domicile droit pour votre bien-aimé à Kansas City ? Par Kevin Schmiterson

Kansas City is the largest city in the State of Missouri. The metropolitan area includes four different counties - Jackson, clay, Cass and Platte and is more than 2.1 million people. Nearly 11 per cent of the population in the region is more than 65 years. This number is expected to double by 2030, particularly in Jackson, Clay and Platte Counties. Government and health care agencies expect a significant increase in demand for support services for the elderly in the region. It comes to nursing homes, hospitals and home care providers. Several recent studies have indicated that more than a third of older people prefer to live independently for as long as possible. Providers of home care can help them realize this dream.

There are several providers of home care in Kansas City. You can be overwhelmed by the choices. However, you should consider all factors before finalizing the home care provider. Your first step should be to analyze your medical and non-medical needs. Make a list of all care providers in your city and learn more about them through web clients and Web sites. Focus on a few names you like. Conduct an in-depth interview and make sure that their working style matches your preferences.

Your home care provider should personally visit and evaluate your needs. They should respond to your questions and concerns. If you need medical care, to ensure that aid have the qualifications and certification. You may also have other preferences. For example, some of you may prefer soft people spoken, while others may flourish with outgoing and talkative individuals. Make sure that your home care provider company considers these personality preferences before you assign a help to you. Try to minimize the number of people that your family would work with in the long term. This will simplify things for you and help you to avoid any confusion in the future. Check the conditions for cancellation of the society and the conditions of payment before signing the final contract.

You must also decide how you're going to pay for care. Medicaid receive coverage through their policies. Health insurance rarely pays for home care, but you may be considered in certain circumstances. Check with Medicare before it excludes. Some private medical insurance and long-term care policies may also pay for home care, especially when it comes to medical care. Choice of provider of direct home care is essential to maintain your lifestyle. Take your time and consider all options before making a final decision.

Shower wooden benches: Top tips to take care of them by Ivana Williams

Shower benches are a useful complement to the shower as aid to the elderly, disabled persons, or for those who need additional help in the shower. The main issue in taking care of these banks, especially for types of wood, holds the mold at Bay. If are unable to ensure they can gnaw the gradually.

A shower is still a great potential place to provide moisture. Here the mold thrives on. Neglected for a long time, the furniture can collapse. To protect their owners need to follow some simple maintenance steps.

Wipe wooden shower benches after use each time. If moisture is left for long periods of time, will form the fungi and molds. Keep dry the bench would be a good idea to prevent mold growth. Unless it is still dry, it will ruin the wood.

Owners can fill a bottle with spray with hot water and distilled white vinegar. Make sure that they spray on the benches in wood with cleaning vinegar mixture. Sponge would also be a good idea. Wash in warm water. Use a towel to dry the bench. Ensure in this way, they use the vinegar once a week to keep mold at Bay.

Paste of baking soda for visible mold and mildew is a better remedy for their care. Use a cup of baking soda and mix a few tablespoons of water with it to make a paste. Add water to make thick batter.

What the owners of them shouldn't shouldn't bleach to clean the benches. Bleaching can lead to the creation of cracks. To wash the Redwood, Cedar or teak shower benches, use soft water and SOAP may be the best review because they can completely erase the mold. Make sure that the products are dried after use each time.

Add style and comfort to your shower, sauna, bathroom, or a space outside or inside. Install a such bench at these locations to amplify the beauty and utility. Make sure that you make a purchase of good quality wooden bench. There are a wide variety of wood on the market. Among them, the sequoia of California is the most popular.

All furniture Redwood from California, whether indoor or outdoor furniture, usually last a lifetime. They are naturally robust. For, redwood trees grow over the centuries and their records are left in the season with all the climatic conditions. For this reason, buying them make sure that you get off the Redwood furniture market.

At the time of the purchase of a shower redwood bench, to focus on the quality of the product rather than the amount of the investment. Plastic, aluminium, shower benches ordinary wood can cost very little, but they cannot live up to the expectations of the regular users. On the contrary, California Redwood furniture could cost a little higher, but when you think of the longevity and look, you so will surely go to sequoia products. These products outlast and outperform all other types of products. Performance of the California redwood furniture is just unbeatable! Possession and their use requires little care and maintenance. Why then not would you buy if you are free to take care of persistently?

The 64-dollar Question for Seniors: Is Social Networking Good for You? By Stefanie Jeanne

A couple of years ago, the first batch of the so-called baby boomers turned 65 years old. The baby boomers are not a demographic group to be trifled with?they have money, education, and therefore, much spending power. What the industry knows is that the boomers control about 70% of the total net worth of all American households, which can be roughly translated into something like $7 trillion. Considering that half of adults 65 years old and older are online or are regular users of the Internet or online services, seniors are particularly a huge force online. One in three of such online seniors are identified as avid users of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

And in First World countries such as the USA, we?re speaking of tens of millions of people belonging in this particular demographic group. What?s more, the number of seniors that regularly use social networking sites continues to grow by leaps and bounds?from April 2009 to late 2011, the percentage of seniors using such sites grew from 33% to 150%.

But why? The answer may be complicated for some, but it is still more or less plain and simple: seniors need to connect with other people, and social networking sites are giving them a chance to stay "in society" and a new sense of purpose.

Social interaction?s benefit to seniors

According to a recent article that appeared in the Science Times, a third of seniors 75 years old and older live alone or independently. But not because we have grown older that we no longer seek out social interaction, especially with other like-minded peers. In fact, the results of several studies suggest that social and mental stimulation can be good for the over-all well-being of seniors. And this opportunity to interact?albeit on a global scale, where national boundaries are more or less non-existent?is what?s encouraging seniors to flock to social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace or Twitter and "hit it with the gang."

One of the hard "facts of life" that a senior has to face as he grows older is the reality of his own diminishing circle of friends and acquaintances?friends get sick and die, our spouse pass on, our own children leave to start their own families and lead their own lives. Before the internet, most seniors basically had no other means of forging a new social network other than, say, going to the public park striking friendship with that other guy playing chess in the morning fog. But with social networking sites, seniors suddenly find themselves in a new play ground where their physical limitations basically do not matter?just as long as you have internet connection, can type and use a pointing device, you?re in. And the task of getting online has even become much easier with touch-screen tablet devices such as the iPad?even seniors who are averse to gadgets can quickly find their way into the internet without the usually painful learning curve associated with the use of conventional computers.

The "one-click and you?re there" magic

Online forums or Facebook groups can feel like their real-world counterparts in terms of how people share information or exchange friendly banter with one another. The online version, however, are much easier to organize or assemble?a webcam "meeting" can be setup in a few minutes, and there are no restrictions on what kind of topic you might want to discuss. In essence, the experience is like the daily chit-chat at the local cafe, except more people from all over the world can participate. Moreover, the opportunity to meet other people from different cultures can also bring in a fresh new perspective on the often jaded outlook of most seniors?the delight in discovering that there appears to be things they have yet to discover may stimulate their enthusiasm in the sheer business of living.

Virtual reality?especially the kind that elevates social interaction to hitherto unrealized levels?is said to be the future of aging in our society. More and more seniors are enthusiastically discovering how to send an email, interact with others through chat or by blogging. You may be living alone, regularly assisted by a visiting caregiver and armed with your own medical alarm device, but you?re not really isolated. And as long as the hours spent online are balanced with real-world physical efforts such as engaging in stretching exercises and eating the right food, you?re in good company.