If you are among the ages of 50 and 65 and will be looking for health insurance, or are looking for health insurance, you need a little help.
This is a difficult age (of course age is not the terrible twos), because they are in a prime to begin to develop health problems.
Statistically speaking, statistics and insurance companies do not speak the languages, the insurance company can not predict they will spend more than 50-65 years 20-45 years. Therefore, the premiums are much higher for the elderly.
However, baby boomers, we are a smart group and where there is a will there is a way. So let's look at some of the options:
If you are currently employed and looking to retire or start your own business, you have a couple of tracks that you can explore.
First, you can ask if your company allows you to buy health insurance through the business plan. If your company allows you to make your employer (assuming we are talking about early retirement) may subsidize a portion of their premiums.
Otherwise, you still get group rates, which are much cheaper than the price. If you are married and your spouse is still working seriously consider adding your own / plan if this option is available to you.
The next option (if you currently have a job that offers health insurance) is COBRA or Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation.
COBRA allows former employees and their dependents continue their employer for a maximum coverage of 18 months.
Best of COBRA is that it is guaranteed. Insurance from your former employer can not refuse, even if you have a chronic medical condition. The worst thing is the cost of COBRA.
Your employer generally covers 70% or more of the premium for your health insurance. With COBRA you must pay the full premium and administrative costs.
Industry surveys show based on an average premium (for 2007), a former employee would have to pay more than $ 373 per month for single coverage and $ 1,008 more a month for family coverage.
If you are employed by a company that provides health insurance, there are still options for you.
If you have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or hypertension that can receives coverage through a state program for high-risk health designed to help people with medical conditions that prevent them from obtain insurance.
Again, however, the COBRA premiums can be very high.
A plastic surgeon both recommended alternating between creams and glycolic retinol creams for maximum results.
There are many new products and ingredients that reach the market, but creams retinol and glycolic acid are proven.
Before using any retinol cream, read all the information there are different strengths and if the cream is very strong, must be very careful with the sun. Use creams with retinol can cause dry, red and flaky before seeing results.
You will have to experiment to find the best retinol cream for the skin. I just started using retinols this year, at the age of 44 years and I am very happy with the results.
(Test no prescription - Roc Retin-Ox ... ask your pharmacist about other retinol creams available or talk to a doctor prescription strength retinol cosmetic surgeries often stock a high quality smoothes skin is retinol.).
3. STAY OUT OF THE SUN! - If you want a tan, use a fake tan. St Tropez is one of my favorites, with very natural colors. Experience with brands to find what suits you.
Problems of tanned skin to massive doses of free radical damage, which causes cell damage - which means that your skin SUPER FAST AGE! UVA can also pose a risk to health.
I was born in Queensland, Australia, which has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.
We learned from our mistakes and now Australians are Sun Savvy very Follow his example. If you go in the sun, use a physical block, such as a hat or vest and sun sunscreen high.
It looks exaggerated? Not at all - just ask Madonna! His philosophy is not the direct sunlight (even a little obsessive for me), but you can see your skin is ideal for over 50 years. The texture of your skin, it does not say a sun lover It's true ... I think it could use a coat of fake tan!
Cecelia Martine (44) worked as a producer and television for 25 years in Australia and abroad. Meanwhile, Cecilia worked for many television stations and a range of lifestyle programs.
Segments and documentaries focusing on topics such as travel, entertainment and above all beauty. (Wombat ch7 Aust, Aust Beauty News CH10, "Vacation" series of ABC show "hard" sport CH7 Yards, TVSN Aust, QVC London and more)
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